Veterans Day 2022: Some Interesting Facts. Also Check Discounts and Freebies of Veterans Day


Veterans Day is a day when we remember those who have served. For one day, we will stand together in honour of our veterans.


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We recognise and celebrate America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the greater good.


Veterans Day is a federal, bank, and, in most states, state holiday. Here are five things about Veterans Day that you probably didn't know.


1. It's "Veterans Day," not "Veteran's Day." It's not merely a grammar mistake. Veterans Day honors living veterans, according to the VA. Veterans own "Veteran's Day" with an apostrophe.


2. Veterans Day was previously celebrated on the 4th Monday of October. Previously Veterans Day was celebrated on October. But many states disagreed since Veterans Day was designated as November 11


3. Armistice Day was recast as Veterans Day in 1954. Before 1954, the day was known as Armistice Day, honoring the 1918 armistice that ended WWI.


4. Marines celebrate their service birthday and Veterans Day with a 96-hour liberty Veterans Day follows Marine Corps Dav on November 10. Marines get 96 hours off to celebrate both holidays


5. A group once campaigned to rename Armistice Day as "Mayflower Day." After "the war to end all wars" failed, group of Americans proposed replacing Armistice Day with Mayflower Day.


Veterans and active-duty military personnel can take advantage of a wide range of free meals, discounts, and coupons on Veterans Day at restaurants and fast food companies across the nation.


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